Thursday 15 October 2009


Art Geeks and Prom Queens- By Alyson Noel

Hey Reader's!

So, the second book i'm blogging about? Art Geeks and Prom Queens!
This book is about a girl called Rio, named after a song her mom liked. Rio has never been popular, until she moves to California. At first, Rio becomes friends with Jas and Mason, a guy and girl. Rio falls for Jas straight away. But Kristie, the most popular girl at their high school, eventually takes Rio into her group. Though Kristie is mean, Rio stays with her group, so she can be popular. But in the end, she discovers her true self and...
And i'm not 'gunna tell you any more! You have to read it to find out!
But it's definitley a great book. Recommended around 12+.

Keep reading!
Reader Girrl

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