Saturday 17 October 2009

The Merrybegot

The Merrybegot: By Julie Hearn

Spring 1645-

In a remote west-country village, all is not what it seems. The minister's daughters have taken to their bed, howling and spitting pins. Rumours of bad magic and ill-wishing are spreading fast- and fingers are pointing at Nell, the cunning woman's granddaughter.

  With Matthew Hopkins, the Witch-Finder General, on his way, Nell is alone, trapped, and in mortal danger. Who can she trust? Who will save her?

Summer 1692-

Patience Madden, the minister's young daughter, has a confession to make. A confession that shows another side to what happened to her sister, Grace, and the cunning woman's granddaughter, half a century before. 

But why is her story different- full of sudden gaps and errors? Is her memory failing her?
Or is she just being clever... very clever?

An awesome book, perfect for reading before bed. I promise you'll enjoy it.
 Keep reading!

Reader Girrl


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