Saturday 17 October 2009

Guitar Girl

Guitar Girl: By Sarra Manning
Rating: * * * *

17 -year-old Molly Montgomery never planned on becoming famous. Molly's band, The Hormones, was just supposed to be about mucking around with her best mates, Jane and Tara; writing songs about Hello Kitty; and being a girl. But when the group is joined by the deliciously dangerous Dean and his friend T, things onstage- and backstage- start happening, fast. The Hormones are front-page news, and their debut album is rocketing up the charts.
    Molly is the force behind the band, but the hazards of fame, first love, screaming fans, and sleazy managers are forcing the newly crowned teen queen grrl angst close to the edge. Fame never comes for free, and Molly's about to find out what it costs.

  Guitar Girl's a total page turner, a great book for lying down in bed with, and reading all day! You wont be able to close the book until you're finished. Hope you enjoy it!

Reader Girrl 



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